How To Revive A Dying Plant

Landscape Solutions
2 min readApr 8, 2024

Assessing the Plant’s Condition

Before reviving a dying plant, it is essential to understand whether the plant is truly dying or if there is still hope of reviving it. Often, we make the mistake of assuming a plant is dead based solely on its appearance, when in reality, it may not have died completely. When a plant appears to be dead, it is important to look for any signs of life, such as green stems or roots that are not completely brown and dried out. Even if the visible parts of the plant look lifeless, the roots may still be receiving enough nutrients and water to keep the plant going.

Identifying the Underlying Cause

It is also crucial to identify the underlying cause of the plant’s distress, whether it is overwatering, underwatering, lack of sunlight, pests, or nutrient deficiencies. Once the problem is identified, you can take the appropriate steps to revive the plant.

Reviving the Plant

If the plant still shows signs of life, even if minimal, there is a good chance it can be revived with the right care and patience. The key is to be diligent in your efforts, as it can take up to a month to see any improvement or new growth.

When to Let Go

However, if after a month of dedicated care, the plant shows no signs of recovery, it may be time to accept that it is a lost cause and compost the remains. Even in this case, the plant can still contribute to the health of your other plants by providing nutrient-rich soil.


Reviving a dying plant requires a careful and patient approach. It’s essential to first assess the plant’s condition and identify the underlying cause of its distress. If the plant still shows signs of life, there is hope for revival with the right care and attention. However, if the plant shows no improvement after a dedicated effort, it may be time to accept that it is a lost cause and compost the remains. Regular landscape maintenance is crucial to keeping your plants looking fresh and vibrant. You can achieve a refreshed appearance for your lawn by choosing Landscaping Solutions. Visit our website today to receive a free quote.

Read More: How To Tell If a Plant is Dead — Can It Be Revived



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